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The breakdown of a family unit, often resulting from divorce or separation, can be emotionally charged and complex, especially when it comes to determining the future welfare and upbringing of the children involved. Edmonton, like the rest of Canada, has specific legal guidelines and considerations for child custody and access arrangements. In this comprehensive article, we’ll delve into the nuances of these arrangements, emphasizing the role of Ulasi Law Group as a reliable partner in navigating the intricacies of family law in Edmonton.

1. Understanding the Terminology: Custody vs. Access

First and foremost, it’s essential to distinguish between ‘custody’ and ‘access’.

  • Custody: This pertains to the decision-making power concerning significant aspects of a child’s life, including health, education, and religion.
    • Sole custody means one parent has the sole decision-making power.
    • Joint custody implies that both parents collaborate and make decisions together.
  • Access: This involves how much time a child spends with each parent. An access parent has the right to inquire and be informed about the child’s health, education, and welfare.

2. Determining Child Custody and Access

In Edmonton, the courts prioritize the best interests of the child when determining custody and access arrangements. Some of the factors considered include:

  • The child’s emotional ties to parents, siblings, and other significant individuals.
  • Each parent’s ability to provide care, including emotional support, education, and other necessities.
  • The stability of each parent’s living situation.
  • The child’s preferences, especially if they’re old enough to make an informed decision.
  • Any history of family violence or abuse.

3. Importance of Legal Guidance: Role of Ulasi Law Group

Navigating child custody and access disputes can be overwhelming. The experienced team at Ulasi Law Group brings:

  • Expertise: The legal team has in-depth knowledge of Edmonton’s family law dynamics and court processes. They ensure that clients are informed about their rights and the best strategies to adopt.
  • Comprehensive Consultation: The initial consultation process involves understanding the unique circumstances of each case, allowing for tailored advice and approach.
  • Negotiation Skills: In many cases, it’s beneficial to resolve child custody and access issues outside of court through mediation or negotiation. The attorneys at Ulasi Law Group are adept at facilitating amicable resolutions.
  • Litigation: If a court appearance becomes inevitable, clients can rest assured knowing they’re represented by lawyers with a solid track record of successful litigation in Edmonton’s courts.

4. Modifications and Enforcement

Child custody and access arrangements aren’t always set in stone. As children grow and circumstances change, adjustments might be necessary. Ulasi Law Group assists in:

  • Seeking modifications: If there’s a significant change in circumstances, such as relocation, the firm can help clients navigate the legal process to modify existing orders.
  • Enforcement: If one parent isn’t adhering to the stipulated arrangements, legal action might be necessary. Ulasi Law Group offers guidance on the best steps to take in such situations.

5. Beyond Child Custody and Access

While child custody and access are core aspects of family law, Ulasi Law Group offers comprehensive services, including divorce proceedings, spousal support, division of assets, and more.


The emotional and legal complexities surrounding child custody and access necessitate a compassionate and knowledgeable approach. Ulasi Law Group, with its dedicated team of family lawyers in Edmonton, offers precisely that. Serving as pillars of support and guidance, they ensure that children’s best interests remain at the heart of every decision, helping families transition into their new dynamics with clarity and confidence.