(780) 761-4333

Navigating the complexities of family or matrimonial property division can be daunting. With emotions running high and the stakes being significant, a well-versed legal team is indispensable. For residents of Edmonton, the Ulasi Law Group has positioned itself as a trusted resource, providing insights and assistance through these intricate matters.

What is Family or Matrimonial Property?

In the context of family law in Edmonton, and indeed, throughout Alberta, family or matrimonial property refers to the assets and debts that spouses or adult interdependent partners acquire during their relationship, as well as after separation, until a division is legally finalized. The objective during a separation or divorce is to equitably divide these assets and liabilities between the parties involved.

Key Points about Family or Matrimonial Property:

  1. Nature of Assets: It encompasses a wide array of assets including houses, vehicles, investments, business interests, pensions, and more.
  2. Exemptions: Not all property acquired during the marriage falls under matrimonial property. Gifts, inheritances, or property acquired before the relationship are usually exempt unless they have been used for the family’s benefit.
  3. Liabilities: Debts are equally significant. It’s crucial to understand who is responsible for which debts and how they should be divided or handled post-separation.


The Alberta Legislation

The Matrimonial Property Act of Alberta is the primary legislation governing the division of matrimonial assets and liabilities. However, starting in 2020, changes brought forth by the Family Property Act have come into play, expanding the rights of unmarried or adult interdependent partners.

Some key features of the legislation:

  1. Presumption of Equal Division: There’s a presumption that both spouses are entitled to an equal share of the matrimonial property, unless it can be shown that equal division would be inequitable under the circumstances.
  2. Time Factor: It’s crucial to remember that the date of trial or agreement determines the value of assets for division, not the date of separation.
  3. Contributions: The court recognizes both monetary and non-monetary contributions. Whether a partner worked outside the home, cared for children, or maintained the household, their contributions are valued.


Ulasi Law Group: Your Family Lawyers in Edmonton

Why choose the Ulasi Law Group to represent you in matrimonial property disputes?

  1. Experience and Expertise: With years of dedicated experience in Edmonton’s family law realm, Ulasi Law Group brings a deep understanding of the intricacies of matrimonial property division.
  2. Client-Centered Approach: Recognizing the emotional toll of these proceedings, the team approaches each case with sensitivity, ensuring clients feel understood and supported.
  3. Negotiation Skills: Not every matrimonial property dispute needs to end up in court. The Ulasi team prides itself on its negotiation skills, striving for fair settlements out of court whenever possible.
  4. Tailored Solutions: Recognizing that no two families are alike, the Ulasi Law Group offers tailored solutions based on each client’s unique needs and circumstances.



The division of family or matrimonial property is a significant aspect of divorce or separation. With the evolving laws in Edmonton and Alberta at large, having a reliable legal team by your side is vital. The Ulasi Law Group, renowned for its dedication and expertise, is here to guide Edmonton residents through this complex journey, ensuring their rights are upheld and interests safeguarded.